Recipes for designing nice Kotlin code
Domain modeling
The goal of functional domain modeling is to describe your business domain as accurately as possible to achieve more type-safety, maximize the use of the compiler with our domain and, thus, prevent bugs and reduce unit testing. Additionally, it makes communicating about the domain easier since the domain is the touchpoint with the real world. Kotlin is a good fit for functional domain modeling. It offers us data class, sealed class, enum class, and value class. And we have Arrow, which provides some interesting generic data types such as Either and Ior.
Effects and contexts
How you model data is an essential part of the design of your software. The other important side is how you model your behaviors. Today, we will talk about how to simplify your code with effects, avoiding heavyweight dependency injection frameworks on the go.
Receivers vs. flatMap
The Arrow project promotes a particular style of Kotlin to achieve the composability of effects. Functional programming patterns inspire many concepts, but the implementation differs significantly from Haskell's or Scala's typical way of doing things (monads, IO, and transformers). This article aims to clarify how this style works in Kotlin, compare it to other sibling languages, and discuss the main limitations.
Why suspend over IO
Other functional ecosystems, Scala and Haskell among others,