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80 posts tagged with “core”

Arrow 1.2.3 release

Arrow 1.2.3 release


We are happy to announce the availability of version 1.2.3 of the Arrow collection of libraries.

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Arrow releases stable 1.2.0 version

Arrow releases stable 1.2.0 version


We're excited to announce the stable Arrow 1.2.0 version. To briefly summarize, this release:

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Arrow 2.0's Trajectory - Video

Arrow 2.0's Trajectory - Video


Watch Simon Vergauwen's presentation from KotlinConf 2023 about the history of Arrow, and the trajectory for Arrow 2.0.

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Typed Error Handling in Kotlin

Typed Error Handling in Kotlin


A comparative study about several typed-error handling practices in Kotlin.

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Arrow 2.0's Trajectory

Arrow 2.0's Trajectory


A full transcript and the slides from Simon Vergauwen's presentation from KotlinConf 2023 about the history of Arrow and where it's going.

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Arrow 1.2.0-RC Release Summary

Arrow 1.2.0-RC Release Summary


We're excited to announce Arrow 1.2.0-RC alongside a new Arrow website. To briefly summarize, this release:

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Functional Fun in Kotlin

Functional Fun in Kotlin


Simon Vergauwen shares why he thinks Kotlin is great language to do modern functional programming, and why he believes it's perhaps the best language to do modern mainstream (hardcore) functional programming.

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CodelyTV Interview with Raul Raja

CodelyTV Interview with Raul Raja


An interview with Arrow maintainer Raúl Raja by Rafa Gómez on CodelyTV.

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