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From Either to Raise

Typed errors in other functional ecosystems usually revolve around dedicated types like Either, which provide the ability to describe computations that are successful or end in error. This style is fully supported by Arrow, but the DSL based around Raise usually results in nicer code. This small guide describes common patterns in the Either style and how they translate into Raise.

Working with typed errors

For a more general introduction to typed errors, without assuming any prior knowledge on the topic, check this tutorial.

In the following discussion, we assume the following functions:

fun f(n: Int): Either<Error, String>
fun g(s: String): Either<Error, Thing>
fun h(s: String): Either<Boo, Thing>
fun Thing.summarize(): String

Sequential composition

The basic way to compose computations that may error out is by sequentially executing each of them, and finishing early if an error appears. This is done using flatMap — if the next computation may also fail — or map — if you need to apply a pure computation to the result, if available.

Take this possible combination of the aforementioned functions:

fun foo(n: Int): Either<Error, String> =
f(n).flatMap { s ->
g(s).map { t ->

The translation into the Raise DSL describes the same sequence of steps, but using a more sequential style:

fun foo(n: Int): Either<Error, String> = either {
val s = f(n).bind()
val t = g(s).bind()

There are two important steps in this translation. At the beginning of the function, we have the either builder, which (1) indicates that the result of the function is Either of some error type and (2) creates a new scope in which you can use the Raise DSL.

The second step is that every time that you have an Either value resulting from another computation (like f and g above), you need to call bind. This short-circuits the current calculation in case of error and continues with normal execution otherwise. In this style you don't need to use any function to compose computations, you use regular Kotlin idioms with some binds sprinkled. In fact, you could have written the previous code in one single line:

fun foo(n: Int): Either<Error, String> = either {

How you split your code into local values no longer depends on the structure of your functions, as is the case with flatMap, but rather on the logical decomposition you want in your code.

Arrow provides different builders for different return types (either, option, result), but regardless of the one you choose you always use bind at every step with potential failure.

Why "Raise DSL"?

At this point, you may be surprised that we haven't used the word Raise at all in the code, only either and bind. To understand why we use "Raise DSL" to refer to this coding style, we need to dig a bit into the type of the either declaration itself.

fun <E, A> either(block: Raise<E>.() -> A): Either<E, A>

The fact that Raise<E> appears at the front of the function type of block (formally, as an extension receiver) means that all the functions from the Raise<E> interface are available implicitly in the scope of block. The function bind (alongside raise, ensure, mapOrAccumulate, and others) lives in that interface.

The pattern of having a parameter with a functional type with receiver is not alien to Kotlin, either. Quite the contrary, it is described in the documentation. Other well-known libraries in the ecosystem, like kotlinx.coroutines also follow this pattern (in coroutineScope or flow, for example).

Returning with logical error

Using wrapper types you often have a specific constructor that represents the error case. For example, Left signals failure when using Either. Using the Raise DSL you no longer need to remember each of them, failure is always signaled using raise.

fun fooThatRaises(n: Int): Either<Error, String> = either {
if (n < 0) raise(Error.NegativeInput)
val s = f(n).bind()
val t = g(s).bind()

Calling raise immediately ends the execution of the current block. In the example above, calling fooThatRaises(-1) ends up in raise, which in the case of an either block means resulting in Either.Left(Error.NegativeInput).

Somebody said "exceptions"?

The propagation and early return of the Raise scope look similar to exceptions. That is deliberate, for familiarity. However, they serve a different purpose from exceptions. Typed errors should be used for logical errors — problems that have a place in your domain model — as opposed to exceptional cases — which represent circumstances that are difficult to recover from.

For a more concrete example, Raise is a good tool to signal problems like "user not found in a database". On the other hand, "database connection suddenly dropped" should rather use exceptions (maybe combined with resilience).

By the way, the Raise DSL provides several utility functions for common patterns. Checking an assertion and raising if false is one of those; so the most idiomatic way to write the code above is:

fun fooThatRaises(n: Int): Either<Error, String> = either {
ensure(n >= 0) { Error.NegativeInput }
val s = f(n).bind()
val t = g(s).bind()

Transforming the error values

The fact that both f and g share the same Error type is key for the previous code blocks to compile. In every Raise scope, we have one single error type which you can raise or bind in the whole block of code. If this is not the case, you have to bridge the different error types, which is done using functions like mapLeft.

fun bar(n: Int): Either<Error, String> =
f(n).flatMap { s ->
h(s).mapLeft {
}.map { t ->

Within the Raise DSL, the corresponding function is called withError. Following the discussion above, the withError function creates a new scope in which the error type is different. The first argument to withError describes how to transform failure values from the inner scope into the error type of the outer scope.

fun bar(n: Int): Either<Error, String> = either {
val s = f(n).bind()
val t = withError({ boo -> boo.toError() }) { h(s).bind() }

More than one failure

Sometimes you have not one, but many values for which you want to run a potentially-failing computation. Almost every library provides an "effectful map" (usually called traverse) to cover those cases.

fun foos(xs: List<Int>) = xs.traverse { foo(it) }

Another advantage of the Raise DSL is that you don't need all of those new combinators. The regular map on lists is enough — although you need to remember to bind each of the values.

fun foos(xs: List<Int>) = either { { foo(it).bind() }
// alternatively { foo(it) }.bindAll()

This advantage is bigger than just dropping a few function names. Since you don't need specific effectful combinators, you are free to use any function operating on collections of elements, without restriction.

Error accumulation

By default Raise operates on a fail-first basis: once a failure is raised, the whole block comes to a halt. If you are operating on a collection, this means that only the first error is reported. If you need to accumulate all errors that arise in some block, you need to switch to mapOrAccumulate. More information can be found in the Working with typed errors page.

Either and bind no more

Until this point, we are using the Raise DSL to combine different Either computations, with the goal of producing yet another Either. The frontier between both styles requires the use of bind; but if you go full-on with Raise, we can even remove those. In that case, the error type appears as the extension receiver, instead of wrapping the return type.

fun Raise<Error>.f(n: Int): String
fun Raise<Error>.g(s: String): Thing
fun Raise<Boo>.h(s: String): Thing
fun Thing.summarize(): String

As a consequence of return types being "bare", we can use them directly, without the mediation of bind. The last of our examples reads now:

fun Raise<Error>.bar(n: Int): String {
val s = f(n)
val t = withError({ boo -> boo.toError() }) { h(s) }
return t.summarize()

We encourage using this style, especially for non-public parts of your code, instead of continuously using either and bind. Apart from the stylistic improvement, it also avoids wrapping and unwrapping Right and Left values.

More than one receiver

Unfortunately, the current Kotlin language does not allow more than one receiver. That means that you cannot easily turn a function like:

fun Thing.problematic(): Either<Error, String>

into a similar version with Raise<Error> as receiver. There is an ongoing proposal, context parameters, which shall drop this restriction. Until then, your best choice is to move the original receiver into an argument.

fun Raise<Error>.problematic(thing: Thing): String