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49 posts tagged with “videos”

Asynchronisme et hexagone en Kotlin avec ArrowKt

Asynchronisme et hexagone en Kotlin avec ArrowKt


J'aime bien le DDD et surtout les architectures hexagonales. Avoir un domaine auto-portant et non couplé à des blocs techniques comme Spring (ou autres) apporte beaucoup dans la testabilité et l'évolutivité de l'application.

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Arrow Fx: Functional Domain Modeling with Kotlin

Arrow Fx: Functional Domain Modeling with Kotlin


Arrow Fx is a purely functional concurrency framework for Kotlin’s suspend system.

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Type Proofs and FP for the Kotlin Type System

Type Proofs and FP for the Kotlin Type System


Type Proofs is a new compiler plugin built on Arrow Meta enabling new features in the Kotlin type system, such as Type Classes, Union Types, Type Refinements, and many other extensions that make Functional Programming easier in Kotlin.

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Android architectures with Arrow Fx

Android architectures with Arrow Fx


May 2020 Online Kotlin Meetup

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Template-Oriented-Programming to Ship Faster, Part-1

Template-Oriented-Programming to Ship Faster, Part-1


Learn about the magic of Ad-hoc polymorphism using Arrow typeclasses with simple examples.

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FP with Kotlin/Arrow: Monad Comprehensions & Parallel Processing

FP with Kotlin/Arrow: Monad Comprehensions & Parallel Processing


Arrow has multiple libraries available for functional programming. In this talk we'll focus on Arrow FX and learn how to handle IO in a functional way with an introduction to monadic composition. Then we'll examine how to compose monads in a cleaner fashion with Arrow FX's monad comprehensions. Finally, we'll take a look at how to parallelize IO monads with parallel map strategies.

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What could possibly go wrong? - A safer programming with Arrow

What could possibly go wrong? - A safer programming with Arrow


Your Kotlin app grabs data from an API, transforms it and saves the processed data in a database. However, there are so many things that could go wrong at runtime treat your impure functions as computations with context, pass them around just like other values, and make the necessary unsafe invocation from a single point of your app, your main function.

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Keep insisting - Arrow Meta

Keep insisting - Arrow Meta


Arrow Meta is a library that empowers library and application authors with the ability to write plugins for the Kotlin compiler. Compiler plugins have access to all compiler phases and can intercept and modify the AST, descriptors, and IR intermediate lang for bytecode generation.

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