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49 posts tagged with “videos”

Arrow 2.0's Trajectory - Video

Arrow 2.0's Trajectory - Video


Watch Simon Vergauwen's presentation from KotlinConf 2023 about the history of Arrow, and the trajectory for Arrow 2.0.

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Nicer data transformation with KopyKat and Optics

Nicer data transformation with KopyKat and Optics


Watch Alejandro Serrano's presentation from KotlinConf 2023 about data transformation.

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CodelyTV Interview with Raul Raja

CodelyTV Interview with Raul Raja


An interview with Arrow maintainer Raúl Raja by Rafa Gómez on CodelyTV.

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Actions as Data

Actions as Data


A presentation by Alejandro Serrano at Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022.

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Context Receivers: Kotlin's new secret sauce

Context Receivers: Kotlin's new secret sauce


Alejandro Serrano's presentation from Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022 about context receivers.

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Functional Error Handling - A Practical Approach

Functional Error Handling - A Practical Approach


A presentation by Bas de Groot at Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022.

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Functional Flowing

Functional Flowing


Simon Vergauwen shows how to leverage KotlinX Flow to describe powerful programs and build pipelines to transform and manipulate data in an efficient streaming way.

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Graceful Shutdown with Structured Concurrency

Graceful Shutdown with Structured Concurrency


A presentation by Simon Vergauwen at Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022.

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