25 posts tagged with “fx”
Kotlin Functional Programming: Cleaner Composition with Monad Comprehensions in Arrow Fx
Learn how to write cleaner monadic composition in Kotlin with Arrow’s monad comprehensions, available in Arrow FX.
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Arrow is a library created by folks over at a company called 47 degrees . In a nutshell, Arrow brings a slew of functional programming features to Kotlin. It is heavily inspired by Scala and Haskell, and emphasizes a lot of the concepts that those languages started
Learn moreKotlin Functional Programming: Parallel Processing The Functional Way with Arrow Fx
Learn how to handle parallel processing in Kotlin with Arrow IO monads.
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Arrow Comonad Approach for GameOfLife with Android Compose
The purpose of this article is complement the bow + SwifUi solution for the game of live we can find here https://www.47deg.com/blog/conway-swift/ with the arrow + compose version.
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Kotlin coroutines with arrow-fx
The purpose of this article is to summarize the approaches from questions at Slack about the usage of Either, Option and other datatypes and to give a tour of arrow-fx usage and APIs.
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Conway's Game of Life using Kotlin and Arrow
An article of a series on Functional Programming solutions for the Global Day of Coderetreat challenge. In this case, it shows an approach for it using Kotlin and Functional Programming provided by the Arrow library.
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Arrow Fx & Arrow Meta - Functional Programming for the masses
In this meetup we discuss the new features of Arrow Fx to write “effectful” programs with an emphasis on simple and declarative programming for everyone.
Learn moreEffect polymorphism with Arrow FX
Wonder how to handle side effects in a very clean way while abstracting the real effect implementation? #Arrow #FX provides an easy way to do this, without the burden of Higher-Kinded Types.
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