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46 posts tagged with “articles”

Arrow plug-in for IntelliJ 0.1 is here!

Arrow plug-in for IntelliJ 0.1 is here!


One of the main goals of the Arrow project is to produce libraries

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Arrow 1.2.3 release

Arrow 1.2.3 release


We are happy to announce the availability of version 1.2.3 of the Arrow collection of libraries.

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Arrow releases stable 1.2.0 version

Arrow releases stable 1.2.0 version


We're excited to announce the stable Arrow 1.2.0 version. To briefly summarize, this release:

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Typed Error Handling in Kotlin

Typed Error Handling in Kotlin


A comparative study about several typed-error handling practices in Kotlin.

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Arrow 1.2.0-RC Release Summary

Arrow 1.2.0-RC Release Summary


We're excited to announce Arrow 1.2.0-RC alongside a new Arrow website. To briefly summarize, this release:

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Arrow put on a big show at Kotlin Dev Day

Arrow put on a big show at Kotlin Dev Day


A recap of the attention Arrow received at Kotlin Dev Day.

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Domain Model Validation In Kotlin: Part 4

Domain Model Validation In Kotlin: Part 4


In this final part of the series, Tiberiu puts everything together in a small CLI application, using Arrow data types and computation blocks

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Domain Model Validation In Kotlin: Part 3

Domain Model Validation In Kotlin: Part 3


In the third part of the series, Tiberiu Tofan explores multiple techniques of using a context when doing validations

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