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The latest news, posts, and talks from the Arrow community

Functional Fun in Kotlin

Functional Fun in Kotlin


Simon Vergauwen shares why he thinks Kotlin is great language to do modern functional programming, and why he believes it's perhaps the best language to do modern mainstream (hardcore) functional programming.

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CodelyTV Interview with Raul Raja

CodelyTV Interview with Raul Raja


An interview with Arrow maintainer Raúl Raja by Rafa Gómez on CodelyTV.

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Actions as Data

Actions as Data


A presentation by Alejandro Serrano at Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022.

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Context Receivers: Kotlin's new secret sauce

Context Receivers: Kotlin's new secret sauce


Alejandro Serrano's presentation from Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022 about context receivers.

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Functional Error Handling - A Practical Approach

Functional Error Handling - A Practical Approach


A presentation by Bas de Groot at Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022.

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Functional Flowing

Functional Flowing


Simon Vergauwen shows how to leverage KotlinX Flow to describe powerful programs and build pipelines to transform and manipulate data in an efficient streaming way.

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Graceful Shutdown with Structured Concurrency

Graceful Shutdown with Structured Concurrency


A presentation by Simon Vergauwen at Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022.

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Functional Programming in Kotlin: Exploring Arrow

Functional Programming in Kotlin: Exploring Arrow


A presentation by Ties van de Veen at Voxxed Days Luxembourg 2022.

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